My parents arrived safely last Friday, whereupon we all got sick to varying degrees. Not the best start to a vacation, but with mom and dad sleeping off jet lag anyway maybe it's not so bad, timing-wise. It's great to have family here – it feels more like home now – and hopefully it helps them understand our life here a little better.
We're off to Kenting for the weekend, so I'll be incommunicado for another few days. I'll get some pix of the sun and sand for you next week. Till then....
When did Cole get glasses??
Look at Nora's hair!?!?!?
Wonderful, I am so tickled for you. I can imagine how it feels more like home now. I know you will love to share your life with them.
Hope everyone is feeling better and that you have an awesome weekend! Can't wait for the pix!
It's so sweet to see Mom & Dad with the kids again... it reminds me of all those years when we'd only get to see family once or twice a year. They'd always ooh and ahh over how much the kids had changed, and the kids would be so eager to show them everything new they'd seen or done since the last visit. It's hard, but it's also very special. I grew up that same way with Gramma & Grampa, and my memories of them are all very special. It's as if I knew that each visit was a treasure, and my mind would hold onto those times more carefully than the day to day stuff of life.
It's not an easy life, living so far from those we love, but nothing is lost. If anything, every moment is much more precious. Enjoy your time! Give Mom & Dad our love!
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